XPT Duct Leakage Tester Calculation Charts
Provide the Required Static Pressure and Maximum Allowable Leakage Values below. Click on the "Calculate Required Tester" button to determine which size tester is required for your application.
XPT Duct Leakage Tester Selection Chart
Select one of XPT Duct Leakage Testers. Next, select the required duct system test pressure. Finally, select the length of flex duct and number of bends that best match your duct system test setup.(Note: standard length duct flex included with each tester is 10 ft.)
Click on the "Calculate Maximum Leakage Value" button to see what cfm your kit can measure.
Select Duct Tester:
select one DLT4-300(A) (4" tube) DLT5-600(A) (5" tube) DLT6-1200(A) (6" tube) DLT8-1800(A) (8" tube)
Required Test Pressure:
select one 0.5 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 inches w.c.
Flex Duct Length:
select one 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 feet
Total Number of Bends:
select one 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 bends
Maximum Leakage (CFM) your duct tester can measure:
Note: Calculations will vary dependant on equipment conditions and fan capabilities. Decreasing the number of turns, elbows, and flex duct length, increases the testing capacity of your tester.
Provide the total area of your duct system to test. Select the correct duct leakage test class and required test pressure values.
Click on the "Calculate Maximum Allowable Leakage" button to determine the required CFM value to measure claculated from your input data.